Richard Stallman charla SL

De Hacklab La Paz - r00thouse
Revisión del 11:11 12 feb 2015 de Strysg (discusión | contribs.) (Página creada con «Aquí el texto en inglés del video de esta presentación de Richard Satallman. * Nota.- Las palabras qué no se han podido identificar aún estarán entre [] De igual ...»)
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Aquí el texto en inglés del video de esta presentación de Richard Satallman.

  • Nota.- Las palabras qué no se han podido identificar aún estarán entre

De igual manera las que se dudan.

Link TODO: (buscar el video en otro sitio que no sea youtube plz!)


Free software is the first battle in the liberation of the cyberspace. Who controls your computer, is it you or is it some Big Company... that is really controlling it. Well, what is a computer? A computer is an universal machine It'll d any conmputation you wanted to because you give it a program that says what the computation is that you want. So the computer only knows how to get out an instruction and do it, and get out another instruction and do it. The program has instructions, it says what to do. So you... by writing a [..] program you could make it do anything, well almost anything.

So who gives the instructions to your computer? You [might] think it is obeying your instructions when really is somebody else first, and you, only as much as that company wants [to] will let it listen to you. With software there are two possibilities either the users controls the program Or the program controls the users. It is inevitably one or the other. So in order for the users to control the program they need the four essential freedoms And that is the definition of free software, free software respects the [users user's] freedom and community.

Now we often call it "libre" using the french or spanish word pronounced as you like, the point is; Thats what we mean we don't mean it is gratis, we are not talking about price we are concern with to your freedom and we sometimes say "free/libre" to show that.

So freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program as you wish for wathever purpose. freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code of the program and change it, so it does the computing you want it to do.

Oh what is the source code. Well every program tipically will have two forms there is the form that ypu can read and you can understand if you know the programming language, that's the source. That's what programmers write and change. Then there is the executable which is a bunch of numbers which even a programmer can figure out, if all you get is the executable, it's a [horror horrow] pain in the neck to figure out what it does and even harder to change it. So to give you the real possibility to study and change it, they've got to give you the source code that's the requierment. Well with those two freedoms each user separately can make a copy and start changing it and make it do what [she he] wants.

That's Individual control, but what if you are not a programmer? you look at the source code and you don't understand it, individual control is not enough we also need colective control which means any group of users are free to work together to adapt the program to what they want of course, in the group some of them are programmers they are the ones who actually write the changes but they are doing it as part of the group for what the group wants. Of course the group doesn't have to be everybody so others can use it some other way they are all free to do that.

So colective control requieres two more essential freedoms, freedom 2 is the freedom to redistribute exact copies, to make the copies and then give them away your [seldom] when you wish. And freedom 3 is similar but it is for your modified versions, you're free to make copies and then give them your [seldom] if you wish.

Finshed until 3:48